There’s Nothing Like Hunting Turkeys at 8,000 Feet (If You Can Take It!)
Sometimes you have to go a long, long, way up in the land of little air to find a turkey…and if your hunting in western Colorado, I can just about guarantee that you will.
Merriam’s are the name of the game, and they, of all the other subspecies, may be the most challenging wild turkey of them all. If you have any doubts in that department, just take a long, hard gander at where they live. It may force you to reevaluate your hunting strategy…and your hopes.
But then again, maybe not.
The terrain is usually steep, and deep, and big. Really, really big. But the turkeys are there for the undaunted, and it is after all, a Rocky Mountain adventure.
Did I happen to mention that there is very little O2 hanging about?

For some tips on hunting The Merriam’s Wild Turkey, see a great article here.