Acknowledgement of hard work is always appreciated, and we are proud to announce that Target Tamers has recently included us in their list of top hunting websites. – Michael Patrick McCarty
Top 59 Hunting Websites You Should Check Out Today
By Simon Cuthbert
I am sure you would rather be out hunting, but every now and then (when the weather or time is against you) you have to resort to the next best thing – losing yourself in the glory of a fellow hunter’s stories! With that in mind I have tracked down 59 of the best hunting websites packed with videos, pics, stories and podcasts to take your mind where your body can’t be – into the wilderness on a hunt. Here they are in alphabetical order and whether you are a deer hunter, trophy hunter, beginner or expert, there is something for everyone.
The Meat Eater
A popular website that has a mixture of posts & podcasts on all things hunting. With a name like ‘The Meat Eater’ it comes as no surprise that you can find some great, meaty recipes here too. Steven Rinella also hostshttp://meateater.vhx.tv/ and is active on social media.
Website Link:http://themeateater.com
The Will to Hunt
Will’s blog is about his hunting experiences and learning from others to become a better hunter. You will also find some reviews and Guest Posts on this website.
Website Link:http://www.thewilltohunt.com
Through a Hunters Eyes
Michael’s blog is all about his hunting experiences which include fishing, rabbits, deer and more. There are a stack of great articles here!
Website Link: https://throughahunterseyes.com
White Knuckle Productions
Todd’s website is mostly product for sale, there are plenty of dvd’s you can buy. There is also a link to the White Knuckle Web Show and that has a heap of great videos that you can watch free here –https://vimeo.com/whiteknuckleproductions
Website Link:http://www.whiteknuckleproductions.com/
Wide Open Spaces
It does not matter if you are a dove hunter, fisherman or deer and big game hunter, this website has you covered. Lots of videos, posts and great information on all things to do with hunting and the wilderness. They have a very solid following on facebook and twitter also.
Website Link:http://wideopenspaces.com
By Simon Cuthbert
You Can See the Full List By Target Tamers HERE
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Would it be possible to add my hunter education company website to this list? schoolofthehunt.com
School of the Hunt is an online hunting school that offers courses on how to hunt a wide variety of animals.